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Thromb Haemost 1992; 67(03): 371-376
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1648449
Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Anticoagulant Efficacy and Immunogenicity of the Selective Factor Xa Inhibitor Antistasin Following Subcutaneous Administration in the Rhesus Monkey

Christopher T Dunwiddie
The Department of Pharmacology, Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, PA, USA
Elka M Nutt
The Department of Pharmacology, Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, PA, USA
George P Vlasuk
The Department of Pharmacology, Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, PA, USA
Peter K S Siegl
The Department of Pharmacology, Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, PA, USA
Linda W Schaffer
The Department of Pharmacology, Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, PA, USA
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