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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1648674
Heparin from Intestine and Lung Source Administered in Large Dose to Dogs with Acute Myocardial Ischemia
Similar and Dissimilar Effects on Electrocardiograms and Adenosine TriphosphatePublikationsverlauf
Received 20. September 1977
Accepted 10. Februar 1978
12. Juli 2018 (online)
Intestinal mucosa heparin (IMH) and beef lung heparin (BLH) were infused into dogs subjected to myocardial ischemia by intermittent coronary artery occlusions. The IMH was from a mixture of beef, sheep, and pig intestinal mucosa. Initial control occlusion and recovery was followed by a second occlusion with 60,000 units of IMH or BLH added. Electrocardiographic S-T segment elevations (ST) were measured acutely. There were no significant differences in ST in non-ischemic myocardium before occlusions or with occlusions. In ischemic myocardium, IMH significantly lowered control ST 84% in amount (t = 6.1 p <0.00005), and 76% in number (t = 11.6 p <0.00001). BLH lowered control ST a significant, lesser, 36% in amount (t = 3.6 p <0.008), and 35% in number (t = 3.2 p <0.01). The difference between IMH and BLH in ischemic myocardium was a significant 48% in amount (t = 4.0 p <0.0007), and 41% in number (t = 2.0 p <0.06). Myocardial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels were assayed after 90 min. ATP levels were 31% higher in both ischemic and non-ischemic myocardium in IMH-treated dogs than in BLH- treated. It was concluded that IMH and BLH are functionally different, and IMH was significantly more effective.
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