Thromb Haemost 1993; 70(03): 500-505
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1649613
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Cloning of the cDNA Encoding Human Platelet CD36: Comparison to PCR Amplified Fragments of Monocyte, Endothelial and HEL Cells

B Wyler
The INSERM unité 331, Faculté de Médecine Alexis Carrel, Institut Pasteur de Lyon, Lyon, France
L Daviet
The INSERM unité 331, Faculté de Médecine Alexis Carrel, Institut Pasteur de Lyon, Lyon, France
H Bortkiewicz
The INSERM unité 331, Faculté de Médecine Alexis Carrel, Institut Pasteur de Lyon, Lyon, France
J-C Bordet
The INSERM unité 331, Faculté de Médecine Alexis Carrel, Institut Pasteur de Lyon, Lyon, France
J L McGregor
1   Stanford Medical School, Division of HematoloSy (S161), Stanford, CA, USA
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Received 16. April 1992

Accepted after revision 14. April 1993

05. Juli 2018 (online)


Glycoprotein CD36, also known as GPIIIb or GPIV, is a major platelet glycoprotein that bears the newly identified Naka alloantigen. The aim of this study was to clone platelet CD36 and investigate other forms of CD36-cDNA present in monocytes, endothelial and HEL cells. RNA from above mentioned cells were reverse transcribed (RT), using specific primers for CD36, and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Sequencing the different amplified platelet derived cDNA fragments, spanning the whole coding and flanking regions, showed the near identity between platelet and CD36-placenta cDNA. Platelet CD36-cDNA cross-hybridized, in Southern blots, with RT-PCR amplified cDNA originating from monocytes, endothelial and HEL cells. However, monocytes showed a RT-PCR amplified cDNA fragment (561 bp) that was present in platelets and placenta but not on endothelial on HEL-cells. Northern blot analysis of platelet RNA hybridized with placenta CD36 indicated the presence of a major (1.95 kb) and a minor (0.95 kb) transcript. The 1.95 kb transcript was the only one observed on Northern blots of monocytes, endothelial and HEL cells. These results indicate that the structure of CD36 expressed in platelets is similar, with the exception of the 3’ flanking region, to that of placenta. Differences in apparent molecular weight between CD36 and CD36-like glycoproteins may be due to post-translational modifications.

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