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Thromb Haemost 1995; 74(06): 1436-1441
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1649961
Original Articles
Clinical Studies
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Activation of the Intrinsic Pathway of Coagulation in Children with Meningococcal Septic Shock

Walter A Wuillemin
1   The Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service and Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Immunology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Karin Fijnvandraat
2   The Emma Kinder Ziekenhuis/Children’s AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bert H F Derkx
2   The Emma Kinder Ziekenhuis/Children’s AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marjolein Peters
2   The Emma Kinder Ziekenhuis/Children’s AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Willem Vreede
3   The Pediatric Intensive Care, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hugo ten Cate
4   The Center for Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Atherosclerosis, and Inflammation Research, Academic Medical Center, and Slotervaart Ziekenhuis, Department of Internal Medicine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
C Erik Hack
1   The Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service and Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Immunology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
5   The Department of Internal Medicine, Free University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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