Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is characterized by the formation of antibodies that activate normal donor platelets in vitro in the presence of heparin. We asked whether the commonly observed donor-specific variation in the platelet aggregation response to HIT antibodies is influenced by the density of FcγRII on platelets or by the Arg/His 131 allelic polymorphism of platelet FcγRII. We found that platelets with the His/Hisl31 FcγRII phenotype were unresponsive to HIT antibody (0/9) whereas platelets with the Arg/Argl31 phenotype responded well (7/9). His/Hisl31 platelets were largely unresponsive also to a murine IgG1 antiplatelet monoclonal antibody (UR1) known to activate platelets by FcγRII clustering. We then determined the frequency distribution of FcγRIIa Arg/His 131 phenotypes on a series of 200 patients evaluated for HIT and 100 non-thrombocytopenic hospitalized patients. The frequency of the His/Hisl31 phenotype was significantly increased (34.4%) in the 96 thrombocytopenic patients with HIT antibody compared to the 104 thrombocytopenic patients without HIT antibody and the 100 non-thrombocytopenic patients (∼19%). Thus, the FcγRII phenotype regulates the in vitro activation response of normal platelets to HIT antibody and is a risk factor for the thrombocytopenia of HIT