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Thromb Haemost 1995; 74(06): 1591-1596
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1649987
Original Articles
Animal Models
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Fast and Reproducible Vascular Neointima Formation in the Hamster Carotid Artery: Effects of Trapidil and Captopril

H Matsuno
The Center for Molecular and Vascular Biology, University of Leuven, Campus Gasthulsberg, Belgium
J M Stassen
The Center for Molecular and Vascular Biology, University of Leuven, Campus Gasthulsberg, Belgium
M F Hoylaerts
The Center for Molecular and Vascular Biology, University of Leuven, Campus Gasthulsberg, Belgium
J Vermylen
The Center for Molecular and Vascular Biology, University of Leuven, Campus Gasthulsberg, Belgium
H Deckmyn
The Center for Molecular and Vascular Biology, University of Leuven, Campus Gasthulsberg, Belgium
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