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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1650008
Increased Ristocetin-Cofactor in Acute Myocardial Infarction: a Component of the Acute Phase Reaction
Received 04. November 1979
Accepted 24. Dezember 1979
13. Juli 2018 (online)

When compared to the values obtained in healthy normal-weight, normolipemic controls, the plasma level of ristocetin-cofactor (VIII: R-cof.) was found to be much higher in patients with acute myocardial infarction and in postoperative conditions (4–5 days after a major surgical intervention). A lesser increase of VIII: R-cof. was noted in atherosclerotic patients without acute occlusive accidents and no significant changes of this plasma factor could be observed in hyperlipemic subjects without obvious clinical atherosclerosis. Serial studies emphasized a tendency towards normalization of plasma VIII: R-cof. as the acute phenomena of a myocardial infarction subsided. The above mentioned data suggest that the high levels of VIII: R-cof. recorded in myocardial infarction are mainly caused by a systemic acute phase reaction and to a lesser extent by endothelial damage. Delayed clearance of VIII: R-cof. subsequent to a hepatic dysfunction or to a modified pattern of protein metabolism during the above mentioned acute phase reaction might also contribute to the high level of this plasma factor.
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