Thromb Haemost 1981; 45(03): 233-236
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1650177
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Studies on the Degradation of Fibrinogen by Proteolytic Enzymes from the Larvae of Lanomia achelous (Cramer)

C L Arocha-Piñango
Departamento de Medicina Experimental, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela
J Perales
Departamento de Medicina Experimental, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela
Z Carvajal
Departamento de Medicina Experimental, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela
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Received 08. Dezember 1980

Accepted 20. März 1981

06. Juli 2018 (online)


Fibrinogen degradation products formed by the action of purified haemolymph and saliva of a Satumidae caterpillar of the Lonomia genus were studies by immunoelectrophoresis and polyacrylamide/SDS gel electrophoresis.

The pattern of degradation differ form the one described for plasmin, trypsin, brinase and ochrase. The most striking difference being the rapid loss of the a chain in spite of the presence of the protease inhibitor aprotinin, and/or denaturalizing agents such as 8 M Urea and 2% SDS.

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