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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1650218
Effect of Heterologous Factor V Heavy Chain Sequences on the Secretion of Recombinant Human Factor VIII
Received 02. August 1995
Accepted after revision 03. Oktober 1995
10. Juli 2018 (online)
Factor VIII and factor V share a repetitive domain structure of A1-A2-B-A3-C1-C2. To define the region(s) within the factor VIII heavy chain that result in inefficient expression of the recombinant protein, we expressed a series of factor VIH/factor V chimeras that contained heterologous sequences from the A1 and/or A2 domains. Substitution of the factor VIIIA1 domain dramatically reduced secretion of factor V ~ 500-fold, whereas substitution of the factor VIII A2 domain had minimal effect on secretion. Conversely, substitution of the factor V A1 domain increased secretion of factor VIII ~3-fold, whereas substitution of the factor V A2 domain actually reduced secretion ~4-fold. Pulse chase experiments confirmed that reduced expression levels were due to decreased secretion rather than instability of secreted protein. Smaller substitutions did not further localize within the A1 domain the regions responsible for inefficient secretion.
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