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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1650399
N-3 Fatty Acid-induced Lipid Peroxidation in Human Platelets is Prevented by Catechins
Publication History
Received 21 November 1995
Accepted after resubmission 06 March 1996
Publication Date:
11 July 2018 (online)

The effects of catechins were studied in both unstimulated platelets and platelets submitted to a mild oxidative stress induced by docosa-hexaenoic acid (DHA). Human unstimulated platelets were incubated in the presence of catechin or epicatechin (1, 10 or 100 μM) for 2 h at 37° C. Treatment by 1 μM epicatechin was sufficient to induce a significant inhibition (-30%) of basal thromboxane B2 formation. This result is consistent with the observed inhibitory effects of flavonoids on platelet aggregation. DHA treatment of platelets decreased the amount of a-tocopherol and increased the malondialdehyde (MDA) formation. The presence of epicatechin or catechin prevented the oxidative stress induced by DHA. Indeed, the platelet a-tocopherol level was significantly increased when compared to that of platelets treated by DHA alone, to reach the control level, whereas MDA was depressed to a level even lower than the control one. Our results indicate that catechin and especially epicatechin protect platelets from a peroxidative stress.
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