Antithrombotic Effect of Human Recombinant Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor on Endotoxin-induced Intravascular Coagulation in Rats: Concerted Effect with Antithrombin
Yu-ichi Kamikubo
The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan
Tsutomu Hamuro
The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan
Jun-ichi Matsuda
The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan
Noriko Shinya
The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan
Seiji Miyamoto
The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan
Akinobu Funatsu
The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan
Hisao Kato
National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Osaka, Japan