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Thromb Haemost 1969; 22(02): 316-325
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651357
Originalarbeiten-Original Articles-Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

Congenital Combined Deficiency of Factor V and Factor VIII

A Case Report and the Effect of Transfusion of Normal Plasma and Hemophilic Blood[*]
H Saito
1   1st Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University, School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
M Shioya
1   1st Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University, School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
K Koie
1   1st Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University, School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
T Kamiya
1   1st Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University, School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
O Katsumi
1   1st Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University, School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
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