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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651505
Dynamic Distal Radioulnar Stabilization for Treatment of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Rupture Associated to Distal Radius Fracture – A New Surgical Technique
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: español | EnglishPublikationsverlauf
08. Februar 2018
27. März 2018
21. Mai 2018 (online)

Distal radioulnar instability secondary to rupture of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (FCT) produced in fractures of the distal radius is one of the most difficult complications to treat in our specialty. Early functional recovery of postoperative radius fracture requires early mobilization and consequently it can result in a poor FCT healing. On the other hand, the correct treatment of this rupture, regardless of the treatment performed (conservative, open or arthroscopic repair), requires an immobilization of the wrist and elbow for a period of not less than 6–8 weeks. This fact may compromise the functional result of both the radius surgery and the radioulnar movement. We describe the first surgical technique in the literature that allows a correct healing of the FCT, at the same time that mobilization wrist begins in the first week of the postoperative period, both the radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joint. It is a surgery to be performed immediately after radio synthesis procedure. It is a simple technique and low morbidity, which stabilizes the distal radioulnar joint in a dynamic way, so that the direction of rotation where the instability is reproduced is restricted, stabilizing dorsopalmar translation movement and joint opening.
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