Thromb Haemost 1977; 38(02): 0586-0587
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651868
Letters to the Editor
Schattauer GmbH

Comparison of von Willebrand Disease and Bernard-Soulier Syndrome

J. P Caen
1   Research unit INSERM 150, Hopital Saint-Louis, 2 Place du Dr. Fournier, Paris
H Michel
1   Research unit INSERM 150, Hopital Saint-Louis, 2 Place du Dr. Fournier, Paris
Y Sultan
1   Research unit INSERM 150, Hopital Saint-Louis, 2 Place du Dr. Fournier, Paris
G Tobelem
1   Research unit INSERM 150, Hopital Saint-Louis, 2 Place du Dr. Fournier, Paris
A. T Nurden
1   Research unit INSERM 150, Hopital Saint-Louis, 2 Place du Dr. Fournier, Paris
S Levy-Toledano
1   Research unit INSERM 150, Hopital Saint-Louis, 2 Place du Dr. Fournier, Paris
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04. Juli 2018 (online)


  • References

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  • 2 Caen J. P, Michel H, Tobelem G, Bodevin E, Levy-Toledano S. 1977; Adhesion and aggregation of human platelets to rabbit subendothelium. A new approach for investigation: specific antibodies. Experientia 33: 91.
  • 3 O’Brien J. R, Heywood J. B. 1967; Some interactions between human platelets and glass: von Willebrand’s disease compared with normal. Journal of Clinical Pathology 20: 56.
  • 4 Tobelem G, Levy-Toledano S, Bredoux R, Degos L, Michel H, Nurden A, Caen J. P. 1976; New approach to determination of specific functions of platelet membrane sites. Nature 263: 427.