Thromb Haemost 1981; 46(02): 550-553
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1653408
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Effects of Suloctidil on Platelet Survival Time Following Cardiac Valve Replacement

Chr Col-de Beys
The Department of Haematology, Haemostasis Unit, University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
A Ferrant
The Department of Haematology, Haemostasis Unit, University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
M Moriau
The Department of Haematology, Haemostasis Unit, University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
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Further Information

Publication History

Received 12 January 1981

Accepted 02 July 1981

Publication Date:
05 July 2018 (online)

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Platelet functions and blood clotting parameters were examined in 23 patients with a shortened platelet survival time after cardiac valve replacement.

Treatment was given at random: for a first group antivitamins K with suloctidil and for the second group antivitamin K alone.

Six weeks of treatment with antivitamin K alone did not induce any significant change in the platelet survival time, platelet retention or platelet factor 4 in plasma.

In contrast, the shortened platelet survival time increased significantly after 6 weeks of treatment with suloctidil. Moreover the platelet retention and the amount of platelet factor 4 in plasma were significantly reduced, indicating that normalization of platelet survival is the result of decreased destruction, presumably at the level of the prosthetic surface. The clinical benefits expected from these results remain to be validated by a longer follow up period.

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