Rats pretreated with acenocoumarin present a high incidence of hemorrhages from one to three days after an endotoxemic shock or a surgical intervention. The onset of hemorrhages is concomitant with a marked decrease in the platelet count and a considerable increase in the prothrombin time and the plasma clotting time. These hemorrhages as well as the changes in the parameters examined could be completely prevented by administration of triamcinolone at high doses (4 mg/kg), 2 hrs before and 2 hrs after the shock or the intervention.
Three days after the induction of a traumatic shock in hyperlipemic rats the count and adhesiveness of blood platelets was markedly increased. At this time, the intravenous injection of an endotoxin (S. typhosa lipopolysaccharide) induced a much higher incidence of large phlebothromboses in these traumatized rats than in the control animals. Here again, administration of high doses of triamcinolone could completely block the consequences of the traumatic shock, namely the changes in the platelet count and adhesiveness and the increased thrombotic tendency.