Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Table of Contents Thromb Haemost 1969; 21(03): 403-408DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1653554 Originalarbeiten - Original Articles - Travaux Originaux Schattauer GmbH The Effect of Urea on Aggregation and Incubation Resistance of Human Platelets[*] H Reuter 1 Medical Clinic of the University of Cologne (Head: Prof. Dr. R. Gross) , H Linker 1 Medical Clinic of the University of Cologne (Head: Prof. Dr. R. Gross) › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Summary Investigations have been carried out to study the effect of urea on aggregation and incubation resistance of human platelets. Urea in high concentrations inhibits the Ca++-induced aggregation in platelet-rich EDTA-plasma while at low concentrations an increased aggregation takes place. Incubation of platelet-rich plasma at 37° C in the absence of divalent cations was performed in the presence and absence of 0.1 M urea. The temperature-induced percentage inhibition of aggregation was found to be significantly lower in the presence of urea. Full Text References References 1 Gross R, Niemeyer G, Reuter H. Untersuchungen über die Aggregation menschlicher Blutplättchen I. Standardisierte Methoden zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Aggregation. Klin. Wschr 45 Nr. 18, 931-939 1968; 2 Niemeyer G, Reuter H, Gross R. Untersuchungen über die Aggregation menschlicher Blutplättchen II. Über den Einfluß der Temperatur auf die Plättchenaggregation. Klin. Wschr 45 Nr.22, 1142-1147 1967; 3 Gross R, Niemeyer G, Reuter H. Localization of Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation by Incubation of Platelet Rich EDTA-Plasma at 37° C. Thrombos. Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg) 19 Nr. 1/2, 1 1968; 4 Reuter H, Niemeyer G, Gross R. Untersuchungen über die Aggregation menschlicher Blutplättchen III. Über die Hemmung der Plättchenaggregation in EDTA-Plasma nach Inkubation bei 37° C. Klin. Wschr 45 Nr. 22, 1147-1149 1967; 5 Hellem A. J, Ödegaard A. E, Skâlhegg B. A. Tenth Congr. Intern. Soc. Haematology; Stockholm: 1964 6 Gaarder A, Laland S. Hypothesis for the Aggregation of Platelets by Nucleotides. Nature (Lond) 202 No. 4935, 909-910 1964; 7 Somer J. B, Stewart J. H, Gastaldi P. A. The Effect of Urea on the Aggregation of Normal Human Platelets. Thrombos. Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg) 19 Nr. 1/2, 64 1968;