Thromb Haemost 1970; 24(03/04): 461-462
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654255
Originalarbeiten – Original Articles – Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

γ M Globulin and Thrombasthenie Platelets

S Cronberg
1   Laboratoires d’hémostase et d’immunochimie Institut de Recherches sur les Maladies du Sang Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris (10)
D Hurez
1   Laboratoires d’hémostase et d’immunochimie Institut de Recherches sur les Maladies du Sang Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris (10)
J. P Caen
1   Laboratoires d’hémostase et d’immunochimie Institut de Recherches sur les Maladies du Sang Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris (10)
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24. Juli 2018 (online)


In the contrary to previous findings (3), it was not found any evident differences in the content of γ-M globulins between thrombastheniec and normal platelets.

  • References

  • 1 Davis R. B, Holtz G. C. Clumping of blood platelets by heat aggregated gamma-globulin. Thrombos. Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg.) 21: 65 1969;
  • 2 Ishizaka T, Ishizaka K. Biological activities of aggregated γ-globulin. V. Agglutination of erythrocytes and platelets. J. Immunol 89: 709 1962;
  • 3 Taylor F. B, Zucker M. B. Prolonged clot lysis time and absence of platelet γ M-globulin in patients with thrombasthenia. Nature (Lond.) 99: 222 1969;