Thromb Haemost 1961; 6(01): 045-049
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654538
Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

On the Rôle of Human Serum Plasminogen Activator During „Spontaneous” Activation of the Fibrinolytic System

W Doleschel
1   Department of Physiology (Director: Prof. G. Schubert) University of Vienna, School of Medicine
W Auerswald
1   Department of Physiology (Director: Prof. G. Schubert) University of Vienna, School of Medicine
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12. Juli 2018 (online)


The rôle of human plasminogen activator was studied during the “spontaneous” activation of a human euglobulin preparation at 25° and 37° C. The lytic activity of the solutions undergoing incubation was tested both on heated and on normal bovine fibrin plates. Taking into account the at least two times higher sensitivity of heated fibrin towards plasmin than of normal one as used in this investigation the respective activator activities were calculated from the diverging lytic effects on the two different types of plates. While with incubation at 25° C only low activator concentrations and slow conversion of plasminogen could be observed, at 37° C the increasing activator activity, which reached its maximum after 60 hours, was accompanied by a correspondingly fast formation of plasmin.

  • References

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