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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654568
On the Physiological Antiacogulating System[*]
Publication History
Publication Date:
12 July 2018 (online)
1. The influence of intravenous injections of thrombin has been tested on frogs and rats.
2. After thrombin or thromboplastin injection the animals produce anticoagulant activity which is, to a certain extent, quantitatively related to the activity injected.
3. If the animals tested are under anaesthesia or if the medulla oblongata is switched off the humoral reflex reaction is blockaded.
4. The importance of these observations for the prophylaxis of early postoperative thromboses is discussed.
5. These results combined with the effect of thrombin injection on the clotting factors in vivo are used for the elaboration of a coagulation scheme.
* The present article develops a concept of coagulation which does not fit into the generally accepted scheme. However according to our principles ideas of different schools may be published in our journal even if the editorial board holds a different view point.
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