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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654936
Studies on the Coagulation of the Blood in Patients Treated with Extra-Corporeal Circulation
Publication History
Publication Date:
21 June 2018 (online)

Conclusions and summary
An extensive investigation of the coagulation mechanism was performed in 21 patients suffering from a congenital heart failure and exposed to surgical treatment with the aid of extra-corporeal circulation. The results have been discussed and suggestions given for the preoperative and postoperative mode of investigation in future. Only three factors may be considered a possible contraindication for the operation, namely
1. a persistent and marked thrombocytopenia,
2. fibrinogenopenia and
3. a high degree of fibrinolysis.
Before a final decision to operate is taken an attempt should be made to restore the impaired coagulation mechanism. The necessity of a preoperative analysis and a close cooperation between the surgeon and the coagulationist before, during and after the operation have been stressed.
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