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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1655997
Dietary Vitamin and Stability of Oral Anticoagulation: Proposal of a Diet with Constant Vitamin K1 Content
Publication History
Received 13 June 1996
Accepted after resubmission 12 November 1996
Publication Date:
11 July 2018 (online)
Case reports cited in Medline or Biological Abstracts (1966-1996) were reviewed to evaluate the impact of vitamin K1 dietary intake on the stability of anticoagulant control in patients using coumarin derivatives. Reported nutrient-drug interactions cannot always be explained by the vitamin K1 content of the food items. However, metabolic data indicate that a consistent dietary intake of vitamin K is important to attain a daily equilibrium in vitamin K status. We report a diet that provides a stable intake of vitamin K1, equivalent to the current U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance, using food composition data derived from high-performance liquid chromatography. Inconsistencies in the published literature indicate that prospective clinical studies should be undertaken to clarify the putative dietary vitamin K1-coumarin interaction. The dietary guidelines reported here may be used in such studies.
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