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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1657018
In Vivo Recovery of Factor VIII: A Comparison of One-Stage and Two-Stage Assay Methods
Received 12. Dezember 1978
Accepted 10. Februar 1979
23. August 2018 (online)

The recovery and half-life of VIII: C in the plasma of severely haemophilic patients was measured by one-stage and two-stage assays after injection of two Factor VIII concentrates (Hemofil, Hyland and Fraction I-O, Kabi). Plasma volumes were measured with an Evans� Blue technique, and both concentrates and post-infusion samples were measured against the same plasma standard.
There was a highly significant difference in recoveries estimated by the two assay methods. The one-stage assays gave the most consistent results, in that the average recovery was 100%, whereas the two-stage assays gave only about 80% of the value expected from in vitro assays. There was no difference in recoveries between the two concentrates.
The two-stage assays gave a slightly shorter half-life than the one-stage assays, and the half-life of Hemofil was also shorter than that of Fraction I-O.
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