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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1657118
Clinical and Biological Activity of the Antiplatelet Agent Suloctidil in Treatment of Idiopathic Recurrent Vein Thrombosis (I.R.V.T.)
Publication History
Received 08 April 1981
Accepted 14 December 1981
Publication Date:
13 July 2018 (online)

A double blind cross over study with suloctidil (Sulocton, Continental Pharma) and placebo was carried out for 6 months in 31. patients with idiopathic recurrent vein thrombosis. They were previously unsuccessfully treated with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) (18 patients) or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) (13 patients) combined or not with a fibrinolysis activator (theophylline nicotinate).
Clinical features, ultrasonic venous flow and biological parameters were controlled monthly during the 6 month treatment. Relevant improvement of clinical, ultrasonic and biological parameters was only observed under suloctidil therapy: during placebo administration 12 patients developed new thrombotic events complicated in 2 by pulmonary embolism while none occurred under suloctidil therapy.
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