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Thromb Haemost 1982; 47(02): 096-100
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1657137
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1657137
Original Article
Activation of Human Coagulation Factor VIII by Activated Factor X, the Common Product of the Intrinsic and the Extrinsic Pathway of Blood Coagulation
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Received 02. Dezember 1981
Accepted 18. Januar 1982
13. Juli 2018 (online)

The intrinsic activation of human factor X has been studied in a system consisting of purified factors and in plasma. In both these systems factor Xa stimulated the activation of factor X by factor IXa plus factor VIII This is due to the activation of factor VIII by factor Xa. When this factor Xa is formed via the extrinsic pathway, the extrinsic factor X activator functions as a stimulator of the intrinsic factor X activator.
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