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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1657181
Alteration in Plasma Proteins and Platelet Functions with Aging and Cigarette Smoking in Healthy Men
Publication History
Received 27 October 1981
Accepted 22 April 1982
Publication Date:
13 July 2018 (online)

Blood samples were obtained on four different occasions from 18 cigarette smoking and 34 non-smoking healthy men (age 4Hl9) and analped to assess age- and smoking-associated changes in plasma proteins, btood coagulation and platelet functions. C-ollagen-induced platele t aggregation was signifi cantly inclreased with agng in non-smokers. Significant gfuanges in chronic smokers were increases in platelet count and fibrinogen in plasma; elevation of platelet factor-3 (PF-3) activity in plateletpoor plasma (PPP); increase in serum levels of a1-antitr,?sin, orosomucoid, haptoglobin and properdin factor B; and sfoeftsning of the lag period of collagen-induced platelet aggregation. Filtration of PPP through Mllipore fiIters removed PF-3 membranes. The differen@s in PF-3 activities in fiItered plasma were no longer significant between smokers and non-smokers. Results suggest that chronic smokers have higher levels of acute phase proteins reflecting underlyrng inflammatory processes, and higher levels of PF-3 activity in plasma due to liberation of PF-3 membranes from platelets.
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