Hot water extracts of Mo-er (1 gm by 15 ml of water), an oriental food (Auricularia auricula), inhibit strongly both human and rat platelet ADP-induced aggregation. HPLC analysis of two varieties of Mo-er, A.auricula and A.polytricha (a black tree fungus), shows that they contain adenosine (Ado), 133 and 154 micrograms per gram of dry fungus, respectively. The inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation by Mo-er extracts and by Ado was compared. Mo-er extracts caused a more rapid onset and a longer duration of inhibition than produced by equivalent amounts of Ado. Furthermore, Mo-er extract treated with adenosine deaminase to degrade the Ado retained the capacity to inhibit platelet aggregation. The inhibitory effects of Mo-er extracts on ADP-induced human platelet aggregation are greatly potentiated by the inhibitors of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase such as oxagrelate (phthalazinol) and papaverine. The inhibition of platelet aggregation is only partially blocked by 2’,5’-dideoxy-adenosine (DDA), an inhibitor of platelet adenylate cyclase and 5’-deoxy, 5’-methylthioadenosine (MTA), an antagonist of Ado receptors. ADP-induced rat platelet aggregation is strongly inhibited by Mo-er extracts, but not by Ado. This inhibition is not reversed by either DDA or MTA. These findings indicate that Mo-er extracts contain an agent (or agents) in addition to Ado, that blocks platelet aggregation by a mechanism that does not involve the platelet cyclic AMP system.
Human -
Rat -
* Supported by USPHS Grants CA 07340 and CA 13943
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