A collaborative study was carried out, in which eight laboratories each assayed eight low molecular weight (LMW) heparins against the International Standard (IS) for heparin. APTT assays and three types of anti-Xa method were used. The results of this study showed that:
1. LMW heparins cannot be validly assayed against the IS by APTT or anti-Xa methods.
2. Potencies of LMW heparins vs. the IS differed considerably between the four types of assay method used and also between different laboratories using the same type of method.
3. Adoption of a single LMW heparin standard would improve validity, improve inter-laboratory variation, and largely abolish the differences between the three types of anti-Xa method. However, since calibration of a LMW heparin standard against the IS would give potencies that differ widely by the different assay methods, a single assay method such as the anti-Xa amidolytic, plasma, would need to be chosen for this calibration.
LMW heparin - Assay - Standards