Revista Urología Colombiana / Colombian Urology Journal, Table of Contents CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Revista Urología Colombiana / Colombian Urology Journal 2018; 27(03): 300-302DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1660444 Letter to the Editor | Carta al Editor Sociedad Colombiana de Urología. Publicado por Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Papel actual de la circuncisión neonatal Present Role of Neonatal Circumcision Johanna Ovalle D 1 Urologa, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas, Bogotá, Colombia › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Full Text References Bibliografía 1 Dave S, Afshar K, Braga LH, Anderson P. Canadian Urological Association guideline on the care of the normal foreskin and neonatal circumcision in Canadian infants (full version). Can Urol Assoc J 2018; 12 (02) E76-E99 2 Shaikh N, Morone NE, Bost JE, Farrell MH. Prevalence of urinary tract infection in childhood: a meta-analysis. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2008; 27 (04) 302-308 3 Jagannath VA, Fedorowicz Z, Sud V, Verma AK, Hajebrahimi S. Routine neonatal circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; 11: CD009129 4 Singh-Grewal D, Macdessi J, Craig J. Circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infection in boys: a systematic review of randomised trials and observational studies. Arch Dis Child 2005; 90 (08) 853-858 . Doi: 10.1136/adc.2004.049353 5 Alsaywid BS, Saleh H, Deshpande A, Howman-Giles R, Smith GH. High grade primary vesicoureteral reflux in boys: long-term results of a prospective cohort study. J Urol 2010; 184 (4, Suppl) 1598-1603 6 Mukherjee S, Joshi A, Carroll D, Chandran H, Parashar K, McCarthy L. What is the effect of circumcision on risk of urinary tract infection in boys with posterior urethral valves?. J Pediatr Surg 2009; 44 (02) 417-421 7 Zareba P, Lorenzo AJ, Braga LH. Risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection in infants with prenatal hydronephrosis: comprehensive single center analysis. J Urol 2014; 191 (5, Suppl): 1614-1618 . Doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2013.10.035 8 Circumcision, policy statements; The American Urological Association, Inc.® (AUA), May 2017 (Revised); 9 American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision. Male circumcision. Pediatrics 2012; 130 (03) e756-e785 . Doi: 10.1542/ peds.2012–1990 10 The law and ethics of male circumcision Guidance for doctors June 2006. British Medical Association. 11 Brady-Fryer B, Wiebe N, Lander JA. Pain relief for neonatal circumcision. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004; (04) CD004217 12 13 Weiss HA, Quigley MA, Hayes RJ. Male circumcision and risk of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS 2000; 14 (15) 2361-2370 . Doi: 10.1097/00002030-200010200-00018