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Thromb Haemost 1984; 52(02): 188-190
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1661169
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1661169
Original Article
Protein C Level at Birth
Further Information
Publication History
Received 12 March 1984
Accepted 20 July 1984
Publication Date:
28 August 2018 (online)

The protein C level was determined, on cord blood, for 30 healtly newborns by electro-immuno assay using a monospecific antiserum. For the newborns the mean level of protein C related antigen is about one third of normal adults’ mean level. There is a good correlation between Protein C related antigen and prothrombin related antigen. The low level of these vitamin-K-dependent proteins is probably a consequence of partial liver immaturity at birth. Using two-dimensional immuno-electrophoresis we were unable to detect subcarboxylated forms of protein C. However these abnormal forms could be seen in vitamin-K deficiencies of neonates.
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