The inhibitory effect of cAMP-elevating agents on shape change and aggregation in human platelets was studied to improve the understanding of the sequential relationship between these two responses.
Human platelet-rich plasma was preincubated for 2 min at 37° C with prostaglandin E1 or adenosine, agents known to elevate the intracellular level of cAMP. Their inhibitory effects on ADP-induced shape change and aggregation were determined both separately and simultaneously. The dose-inhibition patterns for shape change and aggregation were similar for both PGE1 and adenosine. There was no distinct difference between the inhibitory action of these two inhibitors.
These observations suggest that elevation of the intracellular concentration of cAMP interferes with an early step in the stimulus-response coupling that is common for aggregation and shape change.
Key words
ADP - Aggregation - Cyclic AMP - Inhibition - Platelets - Shape change