Thromb Haemost 1985; 53(02): 245-248
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1661285
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Urokinase Quality: Analysis of Different Preparations

W Rogatti
1   The Research and Development, Schwarz Co. Ltd., Monheim, West Germany
K Yokoigawa
2   The Research Department of Biological Chemistry, Wakamoto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
T Kobayashi
2   The Research Department of Biological Chemistry, Wakamoto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
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Received 28. Dezember 1984

Accepted 02. Februar 1985

18. Juli 2018 (online)


Five commercially available German Urokinase (UK) preparations were examined for purity, fibrinolytic activity, and molecular weight composition. With the exception of one preparation (B) all samples showed comparable fibrinolytic activity (91-107% of the activity declared). Preparations A, D, and E contained almost exclusively high-molecular-weight UK (HMW-UK), i.e., 82-86%. However, preparation C (from kidney tissue cultures) contained 95% of low-molecular-weight-UK (LMW-UK), and sample B consisted of nearly equal amounts of both HMW-UK and LMW-UK (47:53). Purity criteria (coagulative and lysozyme activity, endotoxin content, protease activity, HBS antigen) were fulfilled by preparation E, and, with certain restrictions, also by preparations A and C.

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