Thromb Haemost 1985; 53(03): 351-355
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1661313
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Smooth Muscle Proliferation in Chronically Injured Canine Pulmonary Arteries Is Reduced by a Potent Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor U-53,059

Robert G Schaub
1   The Department of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis Research, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
James C Keith Jr
2   The Department of Veterinary Biology, Virginia Polytechnical Institute, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Carol A Simmons
1   The Department of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis Research, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Clarence A Rawlings
3   The Department of Small Animal Medicine, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
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Received 06. September 1984

Accepted 11. März 1985

18. Juli 2018 (online)


Dirofilaria immitis (DI) infection chronically injures canine pulmonary arteries. This injury produces endothelial cell loss, platelet/leukocyte adhesion, and smooth muscle proliferation. In the present study we assessed the effect of the cyclooxygenase inhibitor, U-53,059, on platelet function, platelet kinetics, coagulation, and smooth muscle proliferation in DI infected dogs.

Platelet aggregation to the combination of arachidonic acid/ ADP was significantly inhibited by U-53,059. Coagulation and hematologic parameters were not effected by either DI infection or U-53,059 treatment. Platelet survival and the number of platelet dense granules were reduced in DI infection. Quantification of the lesions demonstrated that U-53,059 reduced both severity and density compared to non-treated dogs. U-53,059 is a potent and effective inhibitor of platelet aggregation which modifies smooth muscle proliferation produced by chronic vascular injury.

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