Thromb Haemost 1986; 56(01): 050-052
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1661601
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Correlation of Antibodies to LAV/HTLV III in Hemophiliacs with the Use of Virus-Inactivated Clotting Factors

Brigitte Dietz
1   The Children’s Hospital, University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
H J Klose
1   The Children’s Hospital, University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
L Gürtler
2   The Max von Pettenkofer-lnstitute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
J Eberle
2   The Max von Pettenkofer-lnstitute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
F Deinhardt
2   The Max von Pettenkofer-lnstitute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
Katalin Köhler-Vajta
1   The Children’s Hospital, University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
P Peller
1   The Children’s Hospital, University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
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Received 05. November 1985

Accepted 26. Mai 1986

13. Juli 2018 (online)


The retrovirus LAV/HTLV III, highly likely to be responsible for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in some recipients of blood products, can be inactivated by chemical and/ or heat treatment, so the use of virus-inactivated factor VIII and factor IX preparations for treating hemophilia A and B has become important. We examined hemophilic children and found that those children treated since 1979 with virus-inactivated preparations did not develop antibodies against LAV/HTLV III. In contrast, 77% of patients treated with conventional factor VIII or factor IX preparations had antibodies against this virus.

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