Thromb Haemost 1983; 50(03): 633-634
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1665274
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Decreased Antithrombin III Activity in Diabetes May Be Due to Non-Enzymatic Glycosylation – A Preliminary Report

A Ceriello
The Laboratorio di Chimica, Divisione di Medicina Generale, Ospedale S. Paolo, Naples, Italy
P Dello Russo
The Laboratorio di Chimica, Divisione di Medicina Generale, Ospedale S. Paolo, Naples, Italy
C Zuccotti
The Laboratorio di Chimica, Divisione di Medicina Generale, Ospedale S. Paolo, Naples, Italy
A Florio
The Laboratorio di Chimica, Divisione di Medicina Generale, Ospedale S. Paolo, Naples, Italy
S Nazzaro
The Laboratorio di Chimica, Divisione di Medicina Generale, Ospedale S. Paolo, Naples, Italy
C Pietrantuono
The Laboratorio di Chimica, Divisione di Medicina Generale, Ospedale S. Paolo, Naples, Italy
G B Rosato
The Laboratorio di Chimica, Divisione di Medicina Generale, Ospedale S. Paolo, Naples, Italy
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Received 10. Februar 1983

Accepted 03. Juni 1983

18. Juli 2018 (online)


Antithrombin III activity was moderately but significantly decreased in insulin dependent diabetics (p <0.005), while no difference has been found between the diabetic (n = 25) and control groups (n = 22) in antithrombin III plasma concentration.

Moreover, antithrombin III activity was inversely correlated with glycosylated plasma proteins (r = -0.57; p <0.01).

These data show that in diabetes there is a depressed biological activity of antithrombin III and suggest that this reflects nonenzymatic glycosylation of antithrombin III protein.

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