Thromb Haemost 1983; 50(03): 660-663
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1665281
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Controlled Multicenter Pilot Study of Urokinase – Heparin and Streptokinase in Deep Vein Thrombosis

J C W van de Loo
1   The Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Münster, FRG
A Kriessmann
2   The Medizinische Klinik, Technische Universität Rechts der Isar, München, FRG
G Trübestein
3   The Medizinische Universitäts-Poliklinik Bonn, FRG
K Knoch
4   The Medizinische Klinik, Städtische Krankenanstalten, Krefeld, FRG
C A M de Swart
5   The Kliniek voor Inwendige Geneeskunde, Afdeling Haematologie, Akademisch Ziekenhuis, Utrecht, the Netherlands
F Asbeck
6   The Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Abteilung Innere Medizin A, Münster, FRG
G A Marbet
7   The Gerinnungslaboratorium, Kantonsspital, Basel, Switzerland
H E Schmitt
8   The Universitäts-Institut für Medizinische Radiologie, Kantonsspital, Basel
A F Sewell
9   The Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, III., USA
F Duckert
7   The Gerinnungslaboratorium, Kantonsspital, Basel, Switzerland
W Theiss
2   The Medizinische Klinik, Technische Universität Rechts der Isar, München, FRG
R Ritz
10   The Departement für Innere Medizin, Kantonsspital, Basel, Switzerland
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Publication History

Received 25 April 1983

Accepted 11 July 1983

Publication Date:
18 July 2018 (online)

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Thirty-three patients with acute iliofemoral thrombosis were randomly assigned to three treatment groups in a pilot doseranging study of thrombolytic therapy in deep vein thrombosis. One group received tissue culture urokinase in a dose of 2,200 I.U./kg/hr, and a second group in a dose of 1,100 I.U./kg/hr following a loading dose of 4,400 I.U./kg given in ten min. Urokinase was administered for 12 hr periods, alternating with 12 hr periods of heparin. A third group received an initial dose of 250,0001.U. of streptokinase in 20 min, followed by 100,000 I.U./hr. Treatment of all patients continued for three days. At the end of this period little improvement, evaluated by “blinded” interpretation of pre- and post-treatment phlebograms, was found in five out of ten of the higher-dose urokinase patients, seven out of eleven of lower-dosage urokinase patients, and six out of ten of streptokinase patients. Optional treatment for another three days showed little further improvement of urokinase-patients and moderate further improvement in the streptokinase-patients. – Neither of the 2 dosage schemes at intermittent application of urokinase appeared to be advantageous. Urokinase treated patients experienced fewer adverse reactions.