Case Report An 11-month-old female infant presented on the first postoperative (PO) day following an elective pyeloplasty, a dark bluish erythema of her lumbotomy wound, plus a satellite lesion of the same characteristics. Fever and sepsis developed, and despite broad spectrum antibiotics (meropenem and vancomycin) were started, a diagnosis of necrotizing soft-tissue infection (NSTI or necrotizing fasciitis) was established. Surgical debridement of both lesions was performed on day 3 PO, and a surgical contamination (ring retractor blade) was suspected, due to the particular geography of the lesion. Urine and blood cultures yielded no bacteria, but tissue culture grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa. At PO 6th day, lesions still appeared exudative and poorly perfused, so vacuum-assisted therapy (VAT) treatment was started. Exudate control, perfusion, and granulation improved in consecutive days, which permitted direct closure (no graft needed) at PO day 12.
Discussion P. aeruginosa can be a fatal cause of type I NSTI. It has been reported rarely in adult series, with a prevalence of 4%, but it can be a major pathogen in pediatric NSTI. Added to an early recognition, aggressive surgery and debridement are required, in combination with antibiotic therapy, to limit the spread of the infection. In our case, despite surgical debridement being performed on day 3 PO, both wounds maintained scarce perfusion, and debris and exudate were poorly controlled with usual silver foams and daily nursery cures. VAT pediatric device was then added, which rapidly improved surgical bed, enhancing tissue perfusion and granulation in the following days.
necrotizing soft tissue infection - necrotizing fasciitis - surgical fomite - pediatrics - pediatric urology - vacuum-assisted therapy