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Die Psychiatrie 2009; 06(02): 75-79
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1671919
Theme Article
Schattauer GmbH

Burnout among psychiatry residents

The International Psychiatry Resident/Trainee Burnout Syndrome Study (BoSS)Burnout bei psychiatrischen AssistenzärztenInternationale Studie zum Burnout-Syndrom bei psychiatrischen Assistenzärzten/Psychiatern in Ausbildung (BoSS)
N. Jovanovic
1   University Hospital Centre and School of Medicine, Psychiatric Clinic, Zagreb, Croatia
J. Beezhold
2   County Acute Service, Hellesdon Hospital, Norwich, United Kingdom
O. Andlauer
3   University of Franche-Comté, CHU Saint-Jacques, Department of Psychiatry, Besançon, France
M. R. Kuzman
1   University Hospital Centre and School of Medicine, Psychiatric Clinic, Zagreb, Croatia
A. Podlesek
4   University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
C. Hanon
5   EPS Erasme, Antony, France
B. Schulze
6   University of Zurich, Research Unit for Clinical and Social Psychiatry, Zürich, Switzerland
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