Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
The Impact of Age on Perioperative Complications after Extremity Reconstruction with the Free Gracilis Flap: A Retrospective Cohort Study Involving 153 Patients
Laurenz Weitgasser
Department of Hand, Breast, and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Marienhospital Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Amro Amr
Department of Hand, Breast, and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Marienhospital Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Michaela Hladik
Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Paracelsus Medical University, Hospital Barmherzige Brueder Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Gottfried Wechselberger
Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Paracelsus Medical University, Hospital Barmherzige Brueder Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Adrien Daigeler
Department of Hand, Plastic, Reconstructive and Burn Surgery, BG Trauma Center, Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Thomas Schoeller
Department of Hand, Breast, and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Marienhospital Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Fabian Medved
Department of Hand, Plastic, Reconstructive and Burn Surgery, BG Trauma Center, Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany