Endoscopy 2019; 51(04): S250
DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1681923
ESGE Days 2019 ePosters
Friday, April 5, 2019 09:00 – 17:00: Stomach and small intestine ePosters
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York


S Mrabet
1   Gastroenterology, Farhat Hached University Hosptal, Sousse, Tunisia
K Dhouioui
2   Surgery, Farhat Hached University Hosptal, Sousse, Tunisia
F Hamila
2   Surgery, Farhat Hached University Hosptal, Sousse, Tunisia
I Akkari
1   Gastroenterology, Farhat Hached University Hosptal, Sousse, Tunisia
E Ben Jazia
1   Gastroenterology, Farhat Hached University Hosptal, Sousse, Tunisia
R Letaief
2   Surgery, Farhat Hached University Hosptal, Sousse, Tunisia
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18. März 2019 (online)



The search for Helicobacter Pylori (HP) infection is recommended systematically before bariatric surgery. The aim of our study is to determine the endoscopic and histological aspects of gastric lesions in patients with morbid obesity.


This is a retrospective study including all patients proposed for bariatric surgery between January 2013 and September 2018. All patients had a preoperative exploration by upper gastrointestunal endoscopy (UGE) with antrofundics biopsies.


During the study period, 62 patients were collected divided into 60 women and 2 men. The median age was 31.5 years. The average body mass index was 44.9 kg/m 2. Co-morbidities were associated with obesity in 45% of cases dominated by Hypertension and diabetes. Most patients (93%) were asymptomatic in the digestive tract. Preoperative UGE was pathological in 33 patients (54%): congestive gastritis (n = 17), nodular gastritis (n = 6), erosive gastritis (n = 5), hiatus hernia, (n = 4), esophagitis (n = 1), erosive bulbitis (n = 1), and bulb ulcer (n = 1). Gastritis with Helicobacter Pylori (HP) was present in 20 patients (32.3%). Gastritis was active in all cases with severe activity in 13 cases. Two patients had antro-fundic atrophy. Intestinal metaplasia was noted in one patient. The surgery was Sleeve Gastrectomy in 86% of cases and gastric bypass in 14% of cases. 91% of the patients were operated by laparoscopy. Anemia was the only factor significantly associated with HP gastritis (p = 0.013).


54% of patients had preoperative gastric lesions despite that they were asymptomatic in 93% of cases. The prevalence of HP gastritis was 32.3%. Therefore, UGE appears necessary as preoperative investigation in all patients proposed for bariatric surgery.