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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1683718
Fully automatic quotient image generation using V/Q SPECT/CT images
27. März 2019 (online)
Ventilation/Perfusion (V/Q) SPECT largely replaced planar V/Q scintigraphy in daily practice for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE). By inspecting the pixel-based V/Q ratio quotient images can be generated from SPECT data. These generated images can facilitate image reporting. However for accurate quotient image generation CT-based lung mask generation is necessary. This work presents a fast and simple fully automatic approach for quotient image generation from V/Q SPECT/CT images.
Our method consists of three main steps. The first and most essential part of the method is the extraction of the lungs and the airways from the CT volume based on automatic thresholding, region growing and connected components. At this stage we have put emphasis on the trachea, as we have found that in many cases the reason of incorrect segmentation was the inappropriate handling of this region. In the second step the V and Q SPECT images are registered to the CT image using a rigid registration method. Finally, the V/Q quotient images are generated using the previously segmented lung masks based on CT.
The method was tested on 10 V/Q SPECT/CT images (Tc-99 m-DTPA and Tc-99 m-MAA) from the daily clinical routine (average age: 69) acquired on the AnyScan SPECT/CT system. The fully automatic lung segmentation and quotient image generation succeeded in every case (10/10). The running time was within one minute for each study. The results were validated by two specialists in nuclear medicine.
The fast fully automatic quotient image generation is feasible from V/Q SPECT/CT images.