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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1688773
An Assessment of Globe Position Dynamics following Transcranial Lateral and Superior Orbital Wall Resections without Rigid Reconstruction: A Case Series of 55 Patients
18. November 2018
20. März 2019
21. Mai 2019 (online)

Background There is no consensus exists regarding which reconstructive approach, if any, should be used after performing transcranial lateral orbital wall resections. Rigid reconstruction is often done to prevent enophthalmos; however, it is not clear if this is a risk with extensive orbital wall resections for transcranial surgery.
Objective To assess globe position dynamics in patients that underwent transcranial lateral and superior orbital wall resections without rigid reconstruction to determine if enophthalmos is a significant risk.
Methods Preoperative (PO) and postoperative data were retrospectively collected from the electronic medical records of 55 adult patients undergoing lateral and superior orbital wall resections as part of a skull base approach. The globe positions were assessed radiologically at all available time points and used to track relative globe displacements over time.
Results An evaluation of PO variables identified a relationship between maximum lesion diameters and globe positions dynamics. The composition of globe position presentations in the population remained relatively stable over time, with only 1 out of 55 patients (1.81%) developing postoperative enophthalmos. An assessment of mean globe displacements revealed improvements in the patients presenting with PO exophthalmos, and stability in the patients presenting with normal PO globe positions.
Conclusions Excellent results in long-term postoperative globe position dynamics can be achieved without the use of rigid reconstruction after transcranial lateral and superior orbital wall resections, regardless of the PO globe positioning.
enophthalmos - exophthalmos - lateral and superior orbital wall resection - meningioma - proptosis-
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