Laser technology continues to increase in popularity and expand treatment options for patients with common but challenging skin conditions including facial telangiectasias, facial aging, striae distensae, and acne scars. Facial telangiectasias have been estimated to occur in tens of millions of people worldwide. The 585-nm laser was the first to follow the principle of selective photothermolysis for the treatment of cutaneous vascular lesions, but it caused significant postoperative purpura. Newer diode lasers target superficial and deep telangiectasias without the side effects of the 585-nm laser. Ablative resurfacing was introduced in the 1990s with the carbon dioxide laser to address facial rhytids and photoaging. While effective, the risks and downtime were significant. The newest fractionated nonablative lasers are demonstrating impressive results, with decreased risks and downtime. This new generation of lasers is being used extensively and in unique combinations for facial aging, striae, and acne scars.
diode laser - fractionated laser - acne scar - striae - scar