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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1688947
Treatment of Advanced Kienbock's Disease (Lichtman Stage IIIB with Carpal Collapse) by a Shortening Osteotomy of the Radius: 21 Cases
Publication History
26 February 2019
09 April 2019
Publication Date:
28 May 2019 (online)

Purpose To review the results of shortening osteotomies of the radius in our stage IIIB Kienbock's disease patients.
Materials and Methods In the past 30 years, we treated 52 cases of Kienbock's disease by a shortening osteotomy of the radius, of which 21 already had carpal collapse. All patient charts and X-rays were reviewed, but only the cases already with carpal collapse (stage IIIB) are presented here.
Results All patients improved after surgery. Pain, on a scale of 0 to 3, generally 2 or 3 before surgery (median: 2.3), was normally 1 or 0 afterward (median: 0.9); median flexion–extension of the wrist improved from 77 to 99 degrees; and grip strength of the other hand improved from 26 to 76%. The last clinical and radiological review was performed 1 to 23 years after surgery (median: 8 years).
Conclusion Advanced Kienbock’s disease with carpal collapse is not a contraindication for carpal-sparing surgery radial shortening osteotomy.
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