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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1692998
Evaluation of Homeopathic Phosphoric Acid, Silica and Pathogenic Vibrio on Digestive Enzyme Activity of Longfin Yellowtail Fish (Seriola rivoliana)
Funding The study was funded by Sectoral Fund for Science and Education, Basic Science Project No. 258282 “Experimental evaluation of homeopathy and new probiotics in the cultivation of molluscs, crustaceans and fish of commercial interest”, and PROINNOVA-CONACyT/PEASA No. 241777 “Innovation and continuous improvement of hatchery production technology”, under the academic responsibility of author J.M.M.S. J.S.Ll is a recipient of a Postdoctoral Fellowship (AMEXCID 811-06-9616; CIBNOR 241777) and A.T. is a Doctoral Fellow (CONACYT 335728).Publikationsverlauf
06. März 2019
22. Mai 2019
27. August 2019 (online)

Background This research aimed to observe the effect of homeopathically prepared Vibrio parahaemolyticus (ViP) and V. alginolyticus (ViA) and the commercial homeopathic compound Similia (Phosphoricum acidum and Silicea terra) on the digestive enzyme activities of Seriola rivoliana juveniles under usual culture conditions.
Materials and Methods Biochemical analysis was used to study the effect of highly diluted substances (7C potency) prepared from ViP and ViA (Treatment 1: T1) and the homeopathic compound Phosphoricum acidum and Silicea terra (Treatment 2: T2) on changes in the main digestive enzymes on weaning-state fish (WS; 30 days post-hatching [DPH]) and early juveniles (EJ; 62 DPH) versus a reference control group that received no homeopathic medicines.
Results Treatment T2 significantly increased the activity of trypsin and lipase and decreased the activity of amylase, whereas treatment T1 increased the activity of chymotrypsin and reduced the activity of aminopeptidase-N in WS fish. Except for alkaline phosphatase, which was significantly reduced in the intestine, no significant differences in enzymatic activity were found between treated EJ fish and controls. The fish of the WS group had a higher growth rate with the T2 treatment.
Conclusions T1 treatment stimulated chymotrypsin in EJ fish and T2 promoted intestinal maturation of WS fish. Higher growth rate with the T2 treatment may be associated with the stimulation of trypsin activity. Thus, T2 may be applied, under hatchery conditions, during larval stages with an aim to enhance digestion and assimilation of inert food.
• Effects of two homeopathic treatments on the digestive enzyme activity in Seriola rivoliana were evaluated.
• Homeopathically prepared Vibrio pathogenic strains caused stimulation of chymotrypsin in Seriola rivoliana.
• Phosphoricum acidum and Silicea terra significantly increased the activity of trypsin and lipase.
• Homeopathy may be an ecological alternative to antibiotic use in aquaculture.
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