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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1694728
Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Incidentally Detected Unicornuate Uteri
15. Mai 2019
28. Juni 2019
14. August 2019 (online)

Objective To estimate the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with incidentally detected unicornuate uteri.
Study Design This is a descriptive study. Database review identified patients with unicornuate uteri and singleton pregnancies at ≥12 weeks' gestation. Patients were excluded if the diagnosis of unicornuate uterus was made after a midtrimester loss or preterm delivery. Records were reviewed to obtain clinical outcomes. Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and Mann–Whitney U-test were used for statistical analysis.
Results Forty patients with 67 pregnancies were included. Most diagnoses were made during infertility work-up (76.2%). There was one midtrimester loss (1.5%). In the remaining 66 pregnancies, median gestational age at delivery was 38 weeks. There were 20 (30.3%) preterm births, 9 (13.6%) spontaneous preterm births, and 11 (16.7%) indicated preterm births. Women with indicated preterm births were more likely to have placental abnormalities. Of the available placental pathology, 45.2% had histological lesions of malperfusion. Cesarean delivery was performed in 77.3% of cases.
Conclusion Most women with incidentally detected unicornuate uteri gave birth at term. More than half the preterm births were indicated, with relatively high rates of placental abnormalities. In patients without a poor obstetrical history, rates of midtrimester loss and spontaneous preterm birth were lower than previously described.
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