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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1698973
The effect of temperature change on fluoride uptake from a mouthrinse by enamel specimens
Publication History
Publication Date:
30 September 2019 (online)
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of temperature on fluoride uptake by enamel specimens from a 0.05% NaF-fluoridated mouthrinse (Oral-B Advantage; Oral-B Laboratories, Newbridge, UK).
Methods: Enamel specimens were prepared from extracted human maxillary central incisors. A fluoride-specific ion electrode was used to measure the uptake from a 2 ppm fluoride solution containing 50.0 mL of distilled water, total ion strength adjustment buffer, and fluoridated rinse at 3 different temperatures (room temperature, 25°C; human body temperature, 37°C; hyper-fever temperature, 43°C). One-way analysis of variance and least significant difference were used to assess intragroup and intergroup differences (P<.05).
Results: The study found that both the amount and the rate of fluoride uptake increased significantly with increase in temperature. This effect was particularly noticeable at 43°C.
Conclusions: The temperature of the NaF mouthrinse may easily and safely be increased beyond room temperature by placing a container of the NaF mouthrinse in a bowl of hot water, allowing greater fluoride penetration into the enamel from the mouthrinse when used at home as a routine prophylactic agent. (Eur J Dent 2012;6:361-369)
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