This article describes the conversational therapy approach for the treatment of persons with aphasia (PWAs). Around 1970s, this approach was inspired by a series of pragmatic principles and techniques to aphasia rehabilitation whose main objective was to set up a condition of communicative exchange with the PWA using his/her own available communicative resources. Indeed, although language represents the most powerful behavior that humans use for communicating, within the conversational approach any intentional action (i.e., gestures, body movements, facial expression, drawing) can be used to communicate. For this reason, its application is particularly suitable for severe PWAs whose damage has compromised all the modalities of language (i.e., production, comprehension, reading, and writing). In this perspective, the speech-language pathologist's (SLP's) goal is not necessarily focused on restoring the damaged linguistic functions, still today pursued by the cognitive approach, but to ameliorate the use of language by teaching the PWA compensatory, productive strategies, and strengthening his/her residual communicative abilities. In this review, the fundamental principles of the conversational approach together with its modalities of treatment, which emphasize the importance of an active interaction between the SLP and the PWA, are reported. A brief summary of recent experimental evidence which combines conversational therapy with a noninvasive brain stimulation technique, transcranial direct current stimulation, is also included.
severe aphasia - conversation - communication - aphasia rehabilitation - tDCS