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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-3400118
Althaea officinalis root extract in the light of the PhytoVIS study, a NIS in 20,870 users of herbal medicinal products
20. Dezember 2019 (online)
STW 42, a marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.) based cough medicine, is used in the therapy of mucosal irritation with dry cough, a condition frequently occurring in the cold season. It acts locally, in contrast to a number of other therapeutic options with systemic effects and, accordingly, a higher potential of side effects.
The PhytoVIS study, a pharmacoepidemiological data base on the use of herbal medicinal products [1], containing data from 20,870 users of herbal medicinal products, which have been captured in doctors’ practices and pharmacies in compliance to the ENCePP Code of Conduct [2], was screened for users of STW 42. Patients included all age groups and most described their symptoms as cough resp. dry cough. 126 patients used STW 42 syrup and 15 STW 42 lozenges. Nearly 90% of the users rated the efficacy of the product as moderate to very good, only 3.5% reported their condition to be unchanged or worsened. The effect tended to be rated better in moderately severe as compared to mild symptoms. Overall tolerability was very good.
Together with the information on more than a thousand patients documented in earlier surveys [3], [4], these data underline the efficacy of STW 42 in relieving cough symptoms and its good tolerability. They further support its use not only in adults, but also in pediatric patients, where it presents itself to be a safe and highly used option, so giving a useful insight into epidemiology as well as data regarding efficacy and safety of STW 42.

- 1 Raskopf E, Greinert O, Zadoyan G, Schleicher S, Shah-Hosseini K, Meng G. et al. Die Versorgungsforschung-Datenbank PhytoVIS – eine retrospektive Befragung zur Anwendungserfahrung mit Phytopharmaka. Z Phytother 2017; 38 (S 01): S1-S44.
- 2 European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP). 2018 , EMA/929209/2011
- 3 Fasse M, Zieseniss E, Bässler D. Dry irritating cough in children a post-marketing surveillance involving marshmallow syrup. Paed 2005; 11: 3-8
- 4 Fink C, Abdel-Aziz H, Kelber O, Rabini S, Kraft K. Reizhusten-Therapie aus der Hand des Apothekers: Daten an 822 Patienten zeigen hohe Zufriedenheit mit Eibischsirup und –pastillen. Z Phytother 2017; 38 Supl 1: 22