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DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1709451
Arthroscopic Removal of a Screwdriver Fragment in a Dog 6 Years after Femoral Fracture Repair
Funding None.Publikationsverlauf
20. Oktober 2019
24. Februar 2020
17. April 2020 (online)
Objective The aim of this study was to report an unusual case of an iatrogenic foreign body within the stifle joint, removed 6 years after distal femoral fracture repair in a small dog. Acute lameness was caused by a migrating screwdriver fragment, which had been lost during initial fracture repair and which did not cause clinical signs for years until dislodged inside the joint.
Case Report A male Jack Russell, 7 years of age, underwent plate and screws fixation to treat a Salter-Harris type I fracture at the age of 9 months. Seven months after surgery, partial implant removal was performed. Six years after fracture repair, the dog presented for a non-weight-bearing lameness and pain on the previously operated stifle joint, which occurred suddenly while walking on the leash. Radiographs revealed a small intra-articular metallic radiodense foreign body. Arthroscopy was used to remove the migrating broken-tip of a screwdriver from the medial aspect of the tibiofemoral joint. Retrieving the foreign body led to the immediate resolution of clinical signs without complications.
Conclusion By reporting this case of a forgotten foreign body retained inside a stifle joint for 6 years, we aim to illustrate the potential risk of leaving a piece of metal inside the body. A high index of suspicion for such complications should be kept a long time after surgery. Arthroscopy was a useful first-line tool for efficiently and mini-invasively treating this unusual problem.
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